Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Tiffany getting around

Although Tiffany was very shy and hissing and cussing yesterday when one of the other cats approached her ( the other critters are curious), she was in a happier mood today, kindly rolling over on her back when Fluffy came over to talk to her and making ouvertures both to him and  even (gasp) me. She even went as far as rubbing her nose against my hand for some seconds :-)

Here are Tiffany and Fluffy

Fluffy is really intrigued by the little lady !

(Oh dear, I spoke too soon- I hear some growling in the kitchen...but that will be Jojo,I am afraid.)


  1. She is so sweet looking Elly! She will rule the house soon!!

  2. She is absolutely gorgeous Elly, I know she will make friends and become a very special furbaby!!!!

  3. This picture of her is great, I love the coloring of her face...
