Sunday, September 9, 2012

And in case you are thinking

I let everyone in the world make things while I myself do nothing...Nope! Last weeks I have been busy stitching backs of chairs, designed by Nicola Mascall. Background has not been done yet, I first wanted to do the stitching
The same procedure will be followed for the seats ,
As you may see, the designs are workes in mirror images, so that they will be a pair.

The chair backs and seats, as stitched, will fit chairs made by David Booth-sorry, no website- ( well, that is the idea - I do hope it will work out!!! ). There is a third David Booth chair waiting in the wings, that will be the rose in a medaillon design.
My friend Sue Simpson from the UK took care of getting the chairs for me.Thank you so much Sue !

Besides, there is also chair no 4; that was one made  by my friend Elga from SA who was here in June (at the Rheda fair). This one is  destined to have the  stitching from Annelle Ferguson;s book ( out of print, so grab it if you can for a reasonable price....)

In between I am stitching some of the last designs Bobbie Schoonmaker made for some new slippers. I stitched two foxhead slippers and will make two sets of initialled slippers, too.

There should be space for some little schuffs or childrens slippers and some scuffs on this gauze before I take them out and finish them, maybe...

PS and besides stitching I did a big reorganisation of my stash qua dolls/doll dressing/etc!!! THAT was a lot of work! Threw two palstic drawer units out that were gone after 15 minutes next to the trash bin. Good for them.
I already told this at PP( Petit Pointers)

There are some more boxes. Three of them are labelled "stuff", "stuff"and "stuff" and I don't have the foggiest what it is them. There is also a fourth box, labelled "new", which means newer stuff, I am afraid . I still have to overturn these and look what is in them. Bwahahaa!! I think they may contain all kinds of kits and things that were unfinished , not UFO;s , but intentinally bought unfinished to work at in an undefined future.

And a box of flower kits has gone missing, it msut be out here somewhere. We are talking a two bedroom flat, mind you!
Well, that will be a  nice puzzle to solve in my bed tonight....

Friday, September 7, 2012

And something more...

To my great delight I was able to buy ( on Ebay) this WONDERFUL little roombox, built by Shane Downes .
I fell for it big time ,as the craftsmanship is great ( like it does show up in all pics of the earlier works I saw of his work). This is the first piece in 1/12 scale he has built, and as I am not really inyo smaller scales, I had let them pass- although regretfully, I must say.
This, however, is  a nice little project that will even easily fit onto my windowsill

I think I will make it a small second hand bookshop with an old, seedy looking man for a bookseller in it , but I haven't quite decided yet.Any other ideas , please let me know. Not a grocer, though ( have got one ), nor a pub ( have got a very grisly one) .  Hmm, I could do some Harry Potter thing , maybe...:-)