Sunday, November 29, 2009

basically DONE !!!!

This morning I hung in the front frame of the tearooom ( as you may gather from the pic, the weather is still dark, I had to tweak a lot to have a decent-ish pic).
The accessories and inventory still remain to be done, but I will leave that to later , when the tearoom is in its outer shell.

A big thanks to Cynthia Howe for this project, to my dear friend Pat in Arizona, who provided me with shellac, to Larry in Quebec, helping me out when I had a question about it ( check out his blog , full of woodworking tips !) and to Gradus Ulfman, doing the same ( he makes loverly thingies, too!) and you , my friends, cheering me along the way.

Now I must first try and clean my house a bit from the ravages I left in my wake.And then I will get on with some stitching.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Elly, it is gorgeous! The fretwork across the front is so delicate and fragile - however did you get it up there without it being broken? Please don't leave it at this stage - we want to see it in the outer shell vbg! I know your holiday is over now, but it will be wonderful to see this project accessorised and filled with lovely goodies. Such beautiful work!
