Sunday, March 20, 2011

Of mice and their food...

Today I retrieved a package from Mags Cassidy , who made me some wonderful mouse fodder, some nice big apples , that look wonderfully realistic, including an apple core and a very big apple that has been bitten into:-), some lovely mushrooms and several blackberries, which look quite great, too.That gal is a wizard !
One set of mushrooms came ready to hang for drying- aren't they great !!! The house should have some hooks or so on the ceiling, so after next weekend they can be hung somewhere...
This is just a set-up picture to show how they look together with the mice, as I asked Mags to work out of scale ; I needed bigger apples etc than 1/12 to visualize it "in scale". If these were real micies, the apples would need to be carted in, as would the mushrooms. No 1/24 perfection for me in this project, I am afraid!

1 comment:

  1. I love it Elly, hmmmmm, I think mama mouse is going to have her hands full, she probably needs a constant supply of tea to cope with all the little ones and their antics!!!!!
