Friday, January 14, 2011

About to begin

Peter sent me the last sketch before he starts building the mouse house. On the left the tree will be incorporated into the house, and the house will look more wonky than it appears by now, of course. I am looking forward to it!!!
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  1. You must be so excited! I am, and it's not even mine, LOL. I'm waiting for my stupid puzzle piece furniture to come so that I can get a sense of scale, but I think in the meantime I can start on mother mouse. I know that a half scale kitchen counter or kitchen work table should be about 1.5" and that dollar store table I got is exactly that tall, so I can use that as reference. I think we'll give her a little stool though. Afterall, people legs are much longer than mice legs. If we make them as tall as people, they will be too fat to sit in the half scale chairs.

  2. Dat wordt volgens mij een heel mooi en apart huis, heb je al veel muisjes verzameld?

  3. Elly how excfiting! It looks gorgeous already and it's just a drawing. I'd love to be able to do something like this - and to have the mice made specially for it is lovely. If you send her the measurements of some of your QS furniture, would that help? Please show photos of every step of the way!
    Sandra (Snippets from my Studio)

  4. Thank you all!
    Chris, Kristy( Fiver) is making mice for me; she makes the sweetest naughty critters ever.
    Kristy do you see that mouse waving on the first floor?:-)

    Sandra, the house will be HS, since QS appeared just too small to home a real family of critters. I can home a bachelor skunk in Flowerpot, though...
    Kristy, when the micies are sitting in a chair, they don't need to rest their feet on the floor, of course. Just seeing their little feet will do fine...
