Tuesday, December 7, 2010

my first quarterscale flowers


Well , here thay are. In case you haven't the foggiest what they should represent: the blue ones are delphinums, the smaller yellow ones are brown eyed susans. Those latter ones were meant to be potted, but the pot was actually a bit crushed ( by me, I suspect), so I decided to plant them next to the delphinums.
More flowers to come, when I have recovered from the nervous wreckage these brought on me.
The kits were bought here...They would be easy to make up, but the parts are soooooooooooooo small. Breathing is not encouraged while making these :-)
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  1. They look great, I don't think I could do them though. Too tiny.

  2. You are right, Chelle- they ARE!! Too tiny by quarter!

  3. Nooooo they aren't! Anyone who can do petitpoint on 40hpi silk gauze can use their magnifying lamp and do these with a pair of pointy-ended tweezers! I don't use a mag lamp, or a magnifying glass, but it is an option. Just keep all the bits in a bag if they are not needed at the moment - don't ask me how I know LOL! These have come out really well, Elly - be proud, be very proud.
    Sandie (Snippets)

  4. Sandra , they ARE too tiny! But I am too cocky just to give in now, I am afraid, so the cottage will at least have some basic furniture and some flowersand some accessories( if I don't lose them).Sigh.
