Thursday, December 25, 2014

Cobweb rescued !!!!!!

Hurray ! after my sad Cobweb story Josje was so kind to offer her help ( now SHE is a  builder, which I definitely am not :-) ). So last week I drove there, house on board - one of the best things about smaller scales is that you can easily take houses for a  spin or walk, if they like to - and she did some cosmetic surgery.

This was what had happened - don't laugh so hard you!!!! I did , actually, but it was a shame as I had spent so much time on the dear little cottage :

HUH ??????? Chimney over the frontdoor ? What about Health and Safety rules????

But now it looks like this :

What she basically did, was removing the tabs atttachments and replacing them on front. And it works !!!!


Wednesday, December 10, 2014


I have some BIG trouble with Cobweb ( well, I always told anyone willing to listen that I am definitely not a builder...) Exchanged the two roof parts, looks idiotic now.
The only way I could save it if I would know anyone with a table saw to take tabs off the back roof.

Failing that, I think I will be better off trying afresh in the new year . No buying right now as posties are in overdrive this time of the year, anyway.

But on the bright side, I took Alice out , made her an apron, draped skirt and apron, made a branch for Cheshire Cat to sit on ( branch grows out of book chest :-) ) . OK, apron is slightly wonky , but I don't care !!!