Monday, May 20, 2013

The needlework shop

During the latest fair in Apeldoorn I bought this shop:

It is in Jugendstil style.

Being the lazy gal I am ( and still looking for inspiration on how to go along for decorating ) I hardly did anything to the outside, as yet. I did do wallpapering, though and cut and stained the skirting, so decided that today was as good a day as any to remove things from my "old"shop and move in to the "new "one.

Bot are needlework shops. If I am quite honest , I use it to dump my overproduction :-) I haven't got round to making some windowshop yet, will come ( we hope) in time.

Here are pics of the shop as it is now, inside

Several gossiping ladies, the widow in black waves with the testament of her late hubby, who left everything to a floozy, I am afraid.

the younger ladies are not really impressed

Here a sampler collection. Not all of them were made by me, though, two of them I think I bought some time in the past. Of the red cat I am quite sure, as it reminded me of Floris, the plant is a bit of a question mark, though.

I found lots of other things once I took that shop apart, like a  straw hat. Tiffany has taken hold of it and is tearing through the house with "kitty's own straw minihat"


  1. Fantasties winkeltje, Elly, ik hou erg van die stijl. Qua kleur, wat denk je van crème en licht mosgroen? Mischien met een tikkeltje goud voor accent? Die kleuren zeggen jugendstil voor mij.
    Marijke in Canada

    1. Aan zoiets zit ook te denken, in elk geval accenten , misschien kijken of ik zo' n lijzige juffrouw erop krijg of zo :-), in elk geval bedankt voor de suggestie !!

  2. Elly that looks a fine challenge. Hope you are feeling better now and the weather is getting warmer

  3. Elly I love the way you have set up your needlework shop - it is a great idea, and a great way of displaying those extra items that one stitches. Hugs, Sandie
