Let me tell you something about this house.
It is called "Pluk"after one of my cats. He was a great guy, a stray I adopted. he was full of love for everyone and everything. He loved little children, educated two babycats with great devotion and always wanted to be there if there was something or someone to nurse, be it a sick cat , a sick me or anything else needing help.
When other cats came home from the vets'( for whatever reason ) he awaited them near the door and got them into home mode within three minutes flat.
He even went as far as trying to assist when a Cesarian on a black cat was shown on the tv, trying to pluck the yelping kitty babies from the screen. I must have pics of that somewhere, so I will dig them out soon.
Alas, he died of a trauma, probably by someone who was in my house. I still get mad thinking about it,and kicking myself , of course. But I never thought that would happen...I thought he was safe here.
We still miss him ! One of the other cats was really clinically depressed for some years after he died.Fortunately , since last year , he has picked up again and is a playful kitty once more.
This oil paint portrait was a comission , painted for me by Ellie de Lacey. I hung it on the inside of the front of the house.So I keep his memory alive : one of the sweetest cats I ever met in my life.