While stitching at the slippers, I also discovered a piece of 48 hpi silk gauze, that had this house stitched on it.
The stitching had been done, long ago , I had quite forgotten about it. I did not frame it at the time, wanting to use the rest of the gauze for other projects.
OK , so I did that now, I used the rest of the piece for slippers, so no excuse any more : out it went , and washing , and ironing ( oh yesssss dears, I iron them ,at the wrong side , always !!! ) and framing .
I just stuck it into ( or behind , if I am honest ) the frame. It looks black , but is dark ( very dark ) green, the color they use for old-fashioned doors here.
Hurray , nother UFO ( Un Finished Object ) has been promoted to the status of FFO ( Finally Finished Object ) !!!!